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Innovation Brief: Files


  • Technical Field

           My project will delve heavily into programming and network security.

  • Background Information

           Since the beginning of my journey into computer skills, I have been fascinated with learning as much as I could about everything particularly the internet and programming applications. Since then I have seen various reasons in network security for assisting as many people as possible, there is always news about someone being hacked or cyber attacked. From my experiences I firmly believe we need easy, flexible tools and options available to teach those with a willingness to learn as well as informing those like small business owners the dangers of not having secure networks.

  • Prior Art 

           Network Configuration Manager (Solar Winds technology): This software is similar to mine except it requires a majority of the software to be installed instead of the singular program to function efficiently. It scans the network once properly set up and attempts to detect all vulnerabilities.

  1. PRTG Network Monitor (Paessler AG): PRTG is purely a monitoring tool and serves as heavy inspiration for my project as it alerts a user to vulnerabilities they have on their network, its functionality is similar to Network configuration manager, as it needs sensors and the full software package to function properly.

  2. Wireshark (Wire Shark Foundation) is an amazing tool to help people understand on how to read packets of information over the internet. This skillset can help identify suspicious traffic in a network so one can act quickly, teaching about suspicious traffic is something PNSS will tackle as well.

  3. ImmuniWeb’s continuous network monitoring and penetration tests help identify possible points of attack and rate them on how much of a hacking rise they pose. Brining that attention to the user is one of my software’s goals as well as teaching questions like what could of happened, and what it can cause.

  • Project Description

            PNSS will offer the users a Vulnerability report based on their network and also teach them the consequences of not fixing some of the vulnerabilities that are on their network. This way they start to develop a fundamental understanding of important it is to keep their network safe. It will also go in-depth on teaching them some of the basics of network security and using their network as an example for some of the scenarios that would explain some of the methods of attack and defense. This resource will also be available free of charge and provide advice on maintaining their network safe and how to prevent possible attacks. The goal is those who are interested in network security will have a starting point as well as small business who cannot afford to invest heavily can at least maintain their network and do the best of their ability.   

           PNSS will offer multiple scenarios and will build off its main core program, for example, the main program will automatically collect information about the network, compare it to the national vulnerability database and then print a report for based on what it finds that can affect the network. It will also count the amount of devices on the network and identify which ports are open to try and determine the service. The code used to program this must be flexible and for that reason I have chosen to use Python and the modules TKinter, OS, and csv reader, updates will be as simple as updating the code for the program to “Branch out”.

  • To ensure ease of access is maintained within PNSS all of its task will attempt to be automated with the click of a button, however its specific tasks will be separated, for example for someone who wished to learn more they would not need the exact information a business owner would have. In order to keep it as simple as possible only relevant will be automated in specific buttons. This way the original concept of the product will be kept which was to teach and help consumers with as little confusion as possible.

  • Innovation Claim

           This projects innovation derives from two reasons the ease of access, scalability, and learning tool that it will serve as, the software will allow me to expand its functionally by introducing new tools as “modules” to add to the core software . In essence, this is a tool that aims to hold the hand of the user and introduce them to network security along with pointing them in the right direction and informing them of their own vulnerabilities and how to fix them.    

  • Usage Scenario

           This project will be used in one of three possible situations for the consumer, desire to learn, adapting their business or to test their home network. The selling point for the consumer is mainly a tool to fit their needs, for example if a business owner is beginning to incorporate online usage for his products/services such as hosting a website or database at home they could easily evaluate their network to ensure it is not vulnerable. There may also be instances of a different use for the software such as being used to quickly test a vulnerability or to test potential fixes, because of the flexibility of it, a wide demographic of people may have their goals achieved with it.

  • Evaluation Criteria

            The software will be successful if it can accurately meet the needs of the consumer’s goal, to start learning, evaluate their network, or aid a small business. While the software will eventually be capable of many features as long as their main goal is accomplished it is completed.

Identify Vulnerabilities

            This can be done via multiple tasks such as finding the router model and its version, open ports and what programs is using it, password checking via breach tool, amount of devices connected etc.​

Aid small businesses

           Help small businesses by giving them options for the situations they are in and what things to avoid. Analyze their current network and explain what can be done as well as what to avoid/potential consequences.

Teach those who are interested

For the consumers who are interested in getting into network security it will evaluate their network and use it to teach them as much as they want to know along the way as well as how it occurs. For example ransomware on their computer it would give examples of how it is distributed and what it exactly does, or how a vulnerability can be attacked.

  • Objectives and Tasks Associated with the Project


  1. Scan for vulnerabilities.

  2. Explain the vulnerabilities

  3. Offer advice on fixing it

  4. Explain the potential consequences it can lead to

  5. Inform/Teach

  6. Explain the vulnerability in detail and show why it affects it, use their network if possible

  7. Explain the vocabulary used

  8. Use diagrams to show how it can lead to other problems

  9. Offer more insight in other parts of network security via update modules

  10. Aid Small business owners/Freelancers

  11. Scan  their network

  12. Advise them of vulnerabilities

  13. Give possible advice when applicable

  14. Explain the consequences

  15. Explain the consequences of a cyber-attack on a company

  • Description of Design Prototype

        PNSS is a software built of python to help ease a user into learning about maintaining their network and getting the most efficiency out of it. There are two ways of running the software; the deliverable will be an executable file that should be a quick straightforward tool as per the projects main goal. The buttons are labeled with what the function they are tied to, in the case it does not work it can run with python 3.8 as long as the data base files and rest of the python scripts are within the folder.

  • Evaluation Plan

          The evaluation plan will cover the following goals, is it simple to use, it is easy to understand, can the user seek what they are looking for and what they can do next, and do they have a better understanding of what they were seeking. In order to ensure the first couple of questions are answered the smaller goals as well need to be accomplished, is the GUI easy to use, cant the program fulfill its critical tasks without any problems. The evaluation process should start with testing the functionality of the program and end at the fact if the user’s familiarity with the subject improved as well as what to do next for their network.

  • Project Completion Assessment

        Going with python as a choice for the project as its versatility benefited the overall project, implementing modules that allowed for easier control and access to other functions made refining the scripts easier. Some of the problems encountered include the compilation of converting the scripts to an executable. Some of functions are still being refined as well as new functions being added to the program. If done again the one thing I would have done differently is make an executable build for each major build for the python script.    

  • Appendices

Appendix A-D: Prior art References

      SolarWinds. (n.d.). Network  Configuration Management Tool - NCM Software. Retrieved April 5, 2020, from

      PTRG. (2018, July 23). Monitor. Visualize. Relax. . Retrieved April 5, 2020, from

       Wireshark. (n.d.). About Wireshark. Retrieved from 

      immuniWeb. (n.d.). ImmuniWeb® - Web and Mobile Security Testing, Application Penetration Testing, Security Ratings. Retrieved April 5, 2020, from 

Appendix E: Mac address database -

Appendix F: Current CVE database – allitems.csv

Innovation Brief: Text
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